Smith & Wollensky

Opening Act I ♥ NY. I love New York's Restaurant Week! Today, we headed uptown for lunch at Smith & Wollensky. I've heard about this famous steakhouse from a coworker who often brought family members here to lavish them with birthday dinners. This, along with Peter Luger, is reputed to be one of New York's best old-school steakhouses. I hear many new steakhouses are gaining prestige, but it was certainly fun to visit an institution, at a discounted price!! (Restaurant Week: now - February 10th; Mondays - Fridays; $24.07 lunch and $35 dinner prix fixe 3-course meals!!) When we arrived, we were greeted by a host downstairs who sent us upstairs to a second host. Then, we were led quickly through the dining room to a table in the back. Everything flew by so fast that I hardly had time to soak up the atmosphere, but the rooms were generally wood-accented and traditional. Although I read some reviews on Yelp that blamed the service st...