
In the continuing series of "Sandra and the Jagendorfs Have Lunch," we bring you Katz's Delicatessen. Twenty-two years of life and I haven't yet been to Katz's. Heck, twenty-two years of life and I haven't even had real deli-styled cold cut sandwiches (see our disastrous experience ordering food at Lansky's ). I have once stopped by the outside of Katz's to gaze adoringly at their neatly hung salami and hilarious old-school neon signs, but I've always heard it was quite expensive. Expensive, but as I found out, so worth it. It wasn't very crowded on the day we went, so we got a nice table to stretch out and walked around the different stations to look at hunks of meat being carved and tubes of meat being roasted. The counters that lined the wall had buckets of sour and not-that-sour pickles. All the walls were heavily adorned with framed photos of celebrities, old ads, and other pieces of New York history. Our food came pret...