A Preview: Cook Out NYC and Kimchipalooza

Today, Alex and I got to shmooze with a bunch of fellow food writers at a preview party for next weekend's Cook Out NYC. Who would have thought we'd be hanging out at a dark basement bar/restaurant on a weeknight? The event was a lot of fun and I am pumped for Cook Out NYC!! Boy, do we have a treat in store for you, dear readers of Veritasty! The evening began with people trying to ply us with alcohol: fancy Belgian beers and the like. I'm not so much a beer person (and I didn't want to start glowing) but Alex had a strong, smoky-flavored ale that he enjoyed very much. To me...it tasted like bitter liquid bread (which is what beer is, I suppose!). Not my cup of tea. To accompany the free-flowing booze, we had little noshes like a meatball slider and a chorizo hot dog. The meatball was very successful and delicious. It was just like a hamburger patty, just chubbier and ball-shaped. It was impressively juicy and topped with a ...