I think all too commonly you hear people (forgive me for stereotyping, but usually younger females like myself) say, "I don't like beer!" They - and by they , I mean I - would rather nurse a cocktail with something alcoholic mixed with something fruity and garnished with something equally fruity: something with a more straightforward taste and a more immediate alcoholic buzz. Today, my friends and I resolved to teach each other about beer and the huge varietal potential that beer has, in order to help us break out of the "I don't like beer" mindset with our very own little beer tasting! Disclaimer: I know next-to-nothing about beer so the stuff that I'm about to rattle off has come to me either from Charlie Lopresto, who wrote the fascinating post on Sixpoint Craft Beer from Cook Out NYC , or from my primitive taste buds, or the Internet. That being said, here is what our beer tasting was like! First, we got a few mellow-flavored snacks (e.g....